The Leather Dictionary
Dear readers of this online leather encyclopaedia,
Leather surrounds everyone in everyday life. It is a natural, durable and beautiful product. There is no household without at least one product made of leather. Leather shoes, leather interiors of cars, leather furniture, leather handbags, leather luggage, leather wallets, leather clothings (Leather pants|leather pants]], leather jackets, leather gloves, leather belts), leather balls, Leather thongs, leather saddles. Almost everyone wears leather daily directly on the body or has leather in its immediate vicinity.Smooth leather,
There are many leather terms. But mostly they can not be clearly distinguished. Glattleder, Rauleder, Wildleder, Nappaleder, Anilinleder, Naturleder, Lederhaut, Felle, Pelze etc.
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Did You Know?
Leather has accompanied mankind since the beginning. At first, animals were hunted for food, and later bones, skin, and tendons were used for other purposes. The furs and hides of captured animals provided protection from the cold and humidity in the form of blankets, clothing, shoes or boots. Leather was also used for tent walls, kayak boat walls, thongs, belts or leather vessels. The ability to use leather made it possible to survive in the coldest regions of our planet and to live ...... Continue reading