
From - The Leather Dictionary
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Soaking prepares the skins delivered to the tannery for the next steps. Soaking means the movement of rawhide in cold water. The tanner uses rotating barrels for this.

Dry skins are generally first soaked in a pit or in a rotating barrel. Chemicals, which accelerate the softening process, are added to the water which is about 10 to 20 ° C.

Task of the soaking

  • Restoration of the original water content before the preservation.
  • The restoration of the swelling as before the preservation.
  • Cleaning the skin of dirt, manure and blood.
  • Removal of preservatives and disinfectants, if any.

Video about leather production

The leather production in a modern tannery.

Process steps in the leather production
storage - soaking - liming - fleshing - splitting - pickling - tanning - neutralising - withering - sorting - shaving - dyeing (through colouring) and fatliquoring - drying - finish - softening - final check

Tanning methods
Chrome tanning - Vegetable-tanned leather - Synthetic tanning - Tanning with fats and oils
