Leather watch strap
Watch straps made of leather are considered to be particularly noble. In particular, watch straps of crocodile or alligator leather are often seen. But there are also watch straps made of ostrich leather, lizard leather, shark leather, stingray leather, goat or sheep leather, cow leather, elk leather or snakeskin.
Leather watch straps have an upper and a lower leather. The upper leather is the visible side of the straps. The quality of the skin contacting lower leather of the staps is crucial for the lifespan. By wearing on the skin, the straps are exposed to sweat. Sweat causes decay with time.
Watch strap made of ostrich leather.
Watch straps made of stingray leather and salmon leather (Flat Iron Straps).
Made for customers from their leather: Elephant leather and black shark leather.
Shark leather with shutters made of mammoth tooth. - Toad leather.
Links Kuhmagen - Rechts Stör (Kaviarfisch) (von Flat Iron Straps)
Für Kunden aus deren Ledern hergestellt: Nilpferdleder und Schwanz vom Biber (von Flat Iron Straps)
Für Kunden aus deren Ledern hergestellt: Känguruleder und Pirarucu (Fischleder) (von Flat Iron Straps)
Additional information
- Leather accessories
- Leather bracelets
- Leather straps
- Leather belts
- Dog leash - Dog collar
- Bridle
- Leather whips
- Leather goods